Why do things have to be so complicated?
Why do you think you may have a friend, all to get a text message from their child's mother, who calls you names and accuses you of things you have not done?
Why do boys lie?
Why does it hurt?
*Sigh* Life sucks!
My head hurts.
My stomach is queasy.
My heart is beating funny.
Why do you think you may have a friend, all to get a text message from their child's mother, who calls you names and accuses you of things you have not done?
Why do boys lie?
Why does it hurt?
*Sigh* Life sucks!
My head hurts.
My stomach is queasy.
My heart is beating funny.
Wait until I get my camera!
You want me to come out there and act crazy? Cause i will.....give em a Jersey beat down, they will never treat you that way again.