The coolest thing happened to me today. I was sitting on the computer (as usual) listening to the radio. They happened to be playing this game called "get your mind out of the gutter" and in this game they give two or three clues that sound really dirty (which is always fun) but in retrospect they are describing normal everyday items. So for thirty minutes I yelled at people who called in and did not know the answer, I laughed at the radio itself saying "ha ha ha they are so stupid, if I called in I would get it right." 15 more minutes pass and there still hadn't been a winner. So as the radio personality belts out the number to the station I pick up my cell phone and dial the number. It rings!!! They ask me the questions. I give the answer feeling like this still isn't quite real, and guess what...........I won! How cool is that? I actually won something off of the radio!!! Tickets to a New Years Eve party downtown. It's going to be free drinks, hors d'oeuvres, and swankyness......I feel too if I can only get lucky.

The answer was shower
happy new year!!!! eat some tiny food for me