Many people for some reason been thinking that I'm a full time model, which is flattering but I wish. I do have a pretty amazing job though. I teach English in a game dev and testing company. I would never thought I'd end up in a place like that, but here we are and I love it!
First of all, I have to communicate with people who are as passionate about gaming as I am. We can combine English AND Games, because video games is one of the best way to actually learn a language. My colleagues totally dig me being a huge Mass Effect fan and we end up discussing newest updates for OW and PUBG and E3 news etc.etc.
One more thing I like is an absolute freedom in clothes you wear for work and the way you look. My tattoos have never been an issue there. What's more, most of my colleagues have tattoos which makes us an amazing community sharing the same interests.
This is one of the outfits I recently wore for work, so you get the impression of a cool place I work at. AND I get to speak English there which makes it A DREAM job!
@missy @rambo