I feel it's very important for me to write this blog and to write it here - SG is a place which unites people from all different corners of the world - nice people, open-minded people, creative people. And I hope @missy and @rambo you don't mind me tagging you here, if this reaches FP, this might help spread my message.
What happened today in Russia and months ago in France and months before that in different places around the globe, hell, every day in some of the Arabic countries - all of that shows how much we need to be united nowadays. All of us - every single nation. We need to stop the government division. We need to start separating the cabinet from millions of people who have nothing to do with this cabinet.
There are the exact same working families in the USA, Russia, France, Germany, Australia, Italy, Brazil etc. etc. People with exact same interests. Wearing the same clothes. Listening to the very same music. Citing the exact same books. People like you and like me. We all come from the same ancestors in the end. You never know if you and someone from another corner of the world are related by some distant ancestor.
So never allow yourself thinking "they deserve it! It's ok, for this to happen, they brought it on themselves". Because people like you and me did nothing. They were just living their lives, going home after work to their loved ones and then because of something someone up there in the government said or done they died. They never got home.
If people of the world stoped hating each other just because their governments do - there would be less wars, less hatred. If we refuse to fight and hate each other no one can make us - especially a small group of people in black suits.
Plant this idea in the heads of your friends, family, colleagues, random people out there in the webs and most important, plant this idea in your head. We need to make this world a better place.