I've been to movies yesterday and watched Rogue One aaaaand absolutely loved it! I'm writing this blog, because many people, "true" Star Wars fans been telling me that they would not go and watch it, that Star Wars is now money making franchise sucking money out of people who go and watch out of the memory for good times ('member Chewbacca?). Well, I'm going disagree with that partially. Yes, Star Wars will keep coming out for some years to go, and yes Disney does want to make money, but maaan, they're doing such a good job with their movies! Rogue One is beautiful in every single way possible.
It has everything Star Wars should have: ships zooming in from their space warp, battle scenes, pew pews, characters who you just grow to love, man, those Darth Vader sceeenes were THE BEST, too!
So, what I'm saying is that, yes, Disney wants to make money, BUT they're doing a fantaaastic job on their Star Wars movies. If you haven't seen it yet, go to movies and watch and enjoy it till the very end (the ending was the beeeeest) ;)Also, take a look at this amazing fan art I found HERE ! This person's brother has made it and I would die to get a poster like that on my wall!
If you seen the movie what are your thoughts on it?