Oh wow! It's been a year already? How crazy is that! Well, it took me 20 minutes to scroll down to all of my blogs and find the one, so, let's see
1. pass all of my exams and defend my thesis this June and finally be FREE!
Which I absolutely did! I got A for my uni state exams and for my thesis and life's never been better! I miss uni sometimes, but that was hell of 4 years of constant stress, soooo not really, no :)
2. get new tattoos, to be precise I'd love to have my right hip done, my right sleeve (I have a perfect idea for it) and my chest right above tits.
And well, I never thought I'd say so, but I totally did!!! Hip and sleeve are still on the list, but my chest tattoo is right here, just underneath my chin (I'm rubbing it softly at the moment, so you know :D). Love it so much! I can't believe I went through this pain and got it done this february.
3. get a CORGI! I'm in love with these gorgeous always smiling babes! This is the dog of my dream ^^
I didn't get a corgi, cause that dog is as expensive as it is adorable, but I've got MOUSE! The sweetest baby dog ^^ She's been resqued by us in december and been living with us ever since.
4. become a cynologist (a person, who trains dogs)! It's my dream to work with animals and dogs, who I totally love! They're the best creatures in the universe!
That didn't happen, cause having one dog turned out to be a demanding thing and well, we all have to earn money, so having a job got in the way. BUT! I'm not giving up on that one :)
5. earn enough money to buy my parents a tour to the Red Sea. They have never been to any sea, they've been contributing to my life a LOT for the past 10 years and it's high time for me to pay them back.
Still have to make it come true! I didn't forget!
6. pass international exams and go to another country for practical study as an English Teacher.
I'm in the process of applying for the Green Card, do you think I have a chance?
7. come back to the US even for a few weeks and give a hug to my every friend there.
I'll just cry in the corner silently, I so wanna go back!
8. meet my favorite Suicide Girls ( @tush @marlene @fishball @dimples and many many more) and Hopefuls (@opheliacreep @scarlettxx @lilymai @anoukevil @fleurdellys and again just many more girls) and to shoot a set with them (that would be beyond my every dream).
I DID MEET @anoukevil and SHOT a set with her!! How awesome is that! Even more so, I met @janesinner, my lovely @karanlit, have been to a shootfest and shot a set with @andrealaz! I also met @zumie AND I skyped with @lilymai once! (does it count for the meeting part?) Ahhhhh....just how awesome this is, I can't even believe it!
9. read all of the books that's been waiting in a very long list for quite some time now.
I did! And now I'm reading a brand new one - Insomnia by Stephen King (did I mention, he's my favorite author?)
10. become a better person in every possible way.
Well, this one is for you guys to answer. Have I accomplished this one?
@missy @rambo @lyxzen - thanks, girls! haven't been that excited about any bloghomework lately :)