Ok, I feel like if I write my NY resolutions here in the blog on SG I will just have to go on and make them come true x) Here we go!
1. To become fitter than I am now.
It's hard to work at home and stay in a perfect shape considering that I have 5 animals to take care of, so next year I'm going to devote more time to myself and to achieve a better body shape.
2. To start eating healty food.
That's probably going to be the hardest one. I'm the one who loves sweets and junk food and I'm also the one who finds it hard to not eating it. But I'm definitely going to try!
3. To read more.
To read not only classics and novels, but also documentaries and educational books. We never stop learning, do we? (If you have any great suggestions, just write them in the comments, I'm going to make a list)
4. To find a better job.
I've been working as a teacher and now I just feel I need to take a break from it, so I'm going to find myself a better job.
5. To get more tattoos.
I always say I don't have enough money for it, but the fact is, I'm a really bad saver and I just need to start saving for tattoos I've been dreaming of for a very long time now.
6. To make at least two big steps to actually make my return to the US come true.
I really need to save up + try to figure out the way to get visa without any problems.
7. To work on improving my skills (knitting, singing, drawing).
It will help me to broaden my mind and improve my patience.
8. To be more honest with my mom about things I do.
It took me a lot of time and courage to tell her about my tattoos and piercings and she still doesn't know I'm a part of SG community (I guess, I'm just really scared it will make her sad). And people in Russia are way too negative about such things even when it comes to person's own parents. But I'm going to try and make some difference.
9. To grow my hair long.
They might look shitty, but be patient, Ivy, don't cut them short again, it's going to pay off in the end.
10. To bring up the healthiest, happiest and smartest dog.
I'm now responsible for my baby Mouse and I want to make sure she grows up as an amazing in every way dog which will also be super healthy (mentally and physically) and happy.
11. To turn pink.
Means getting better in every way + shooting awesome sets. I'm going to work hard on both parts.
Ok, I'm pretty sure I've missed some things, but those are the most important ones which will hopefully bring me closer to my dream.
Loooooooove you!
Your bluehead Ivy <3
@missy @rambo @lyxzen