Social networks. The product of 21st century. The forever time consuming parasite feeding on our feelings and emotions. Has it been a great impact on my life? I really really don't know the answer to this question. On the one hand, it makes me super confident seeing people love what I do and how I look. It allowes me to see what other people do and learn and be motivated and find beauty in everyday things. On the other had it makes me miss even more beauty. Screen sometimes is a substitute for so many things: entertainment, socializing, sharing, learning, work. So many things to catch up on, so many platforms to fill with the content, with yourself. It definitely is the huge part of my life at the moment. I would even call it "addiction". Addiction which brings pleasure and satisfaction. I'm not going to fight it just now. I think I'd let it wear off in the course of time, when another technological breakthrough will allow me to find pleasure in it and get addicted.
And I'm not high, it's just been a super nice day, a perfect day for a philosophical blog :)
@missy @rambo @lyxzen thank you for topics, for the impulse to thinking and the opportunity to share this thinking :)
Bonus: picture of me in Winter 2011-2012, which I love a lot :)