Good time of the day, my lovely ones! I hope you're all doing amazing and Monday was not/is not/will not be harsh on you! As you all know by now my B-day is on June 25th, which is this! I'm so not ready yet! Ebay wish list didn't work out, but...there's a steam wish list! How did I not think about it earlier? And it will only take a second for a gift to arrive ^^ So here it is, if you want to send me a gift (which you totally don't have to, it means a lot just having you here with me) feel free! You can also add me on steam if you want to :) My name there is ivylina.
Lot's of love,
Ivy <3
@devilbaby hm...yep! that's true :)
Isn't so cool how we can be friends and message eachoTher from thousands of miles away ;) with this web site its like I have friends all oVer the world all BeauTiFuL woman wiTh Tats, piercing, craZy colored Hair My FavoriTe kind of Woman all arTsy sweeT like minded and so friendly towards Me, You gotta LoVe technology ;) XOXOX