I just had a look on Metropolis, a board I used to post on from 2002 when I was probably 13, to 2004 when I left school and got a real life. I miss being part of an online community. Even if it was a group of silly little fangirls spread around the world, who made silly little shrines to anime and video games, competing over who had the best layout.
I was very proud that in the spriteing comunity, my site was second only to Prima Donna, which disappeared when the webmistress got a life. Mine's still there, and I made sprites once a year and update it.
I feel like a loser. I was re-reading my old posts, and boy was I a twat when I was a teenager. I get the same feeling when I read my private diary... like even entries from last year make me cringe.
I suck at illustration. I've been trying to re-learn to draw and it's not working. I need to cut the television out of my life I think.
2 weeks till NYC. xxx
darling, we were all twats when we were younger... i look back to stuff i wrote last week and think AFM! its fun. kinda. well, ok its not fun its crap BUTTT, lets embrace our twattyness... we're not gonna change anytime soon lol!
see, i wrote darling just then. TWAT!