I, it turns out, am not going mad.
For my birthday last year, I was bought The Ewoks from StarWars cartoon DVD. I loved this as a kid, I used to make my Mother rent it from Tristar (later Choises Video) everytime I went in there. Well I say every time. It was the Carebears Movie, Ewoks, The Last Unicorn and the Never Ending Story on rotation.
Thing is I watched it, and it only had two episodes of it, and neither of them featured Crystals like I can vividually remenber. So I was really confused... but I was just researching old tv shows on Wikipedia and there it is!
Click Here
All the episodes! There were crystals! Yay.
So yeah.. Ewoks. Love 'em.
Here are some over little gems.
Captain Planet
Rainbow Brite
Samurai Pizza Cats - and my brother told me I'd imagined them!
The Pirates of Dark Water
...and not forgetting the classic:
Killer Tomatoes
There's one show I can't find though. My mother told me it was the Dream Stone, but it's deffinatly not. This one featured a group of children, one of whom had a dog, and during the opening credits of each episode, they'd all go to bed. Whilst asleep they all met up in some kind of dream-world and some bearded man, who as I recall was a little dense, who tell them they had to go fix some problem. Obviously in the dream world, the boy's dog was there too and he could talk. If you can remenber this, please let me know!
For my birthday last year, I was bought The Ewoks from StarWars cartoon DVD. I loved this as a kid, I used to make my Mother rent it from Tristar (later Choises Video) everytime I went in there. Well I say every time. It was the Carebears Movie, Ewoks, The Last Unicorn and the Never Ending Story on rotation.
Thing is I watched it, and it only had two episodes of it, and neither of them featured Crystals like I can vividually remenber. So I was really confused... but I was just researching old tv shows on Wikipedia and there it is!
Click Here
All the episodes! There were crystals! Yay.
So yeah.. Ewoks. Love 'em.
Here are some over little gems.
Captain Planet
Rainbow Brite
Samurai Pizza Cats - and my brother told me I'd imagined them!
The Pirates of Dark Water
...and not forgetting the classic:
Killer Tomatoes
There's one show I can't find though. My mother told me it was the Dream Stone, but it's deffinatly not. This one featured a group of children, one of whom had a dog, and during the opening credits of each episode, they'd all go to bed. Whilst asleep they all met up in some kind of dream-world and some bearded man, who as I recall was a little dense, who tell them they had to go fix some problem. Obviously in the dream world, the boy's dog was there too and he could talk. If you can remenber this, please let me know!
My housemate and I downloaded all the episodes of Pirates of Dark Water - it's still so good.
What about Galaxy High?