I, it turns out, am not going mad.

For my birthday last year, I was bought The Ewoks from StarWars cartoon DVD. I loved this as a kid, I used to make my Mother rent it from Tristar (later Choises Video) everytime I went in there. Well I say every time. It was the Carebears Movie, Ewoks, The Last Unicorn and the Never Ending Story...
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It's Potsworth and Co! Also known as The Midnight Patrol. And it was amazing, I have it on video. God bless car boot sales.
My housemate and I downloaded all the episodes of Pirates of Dark Water - it's still so good.

What about Galaxy High?
Saint : This girl has a tattoo close to my heart. Why do I never think of these things first?

See you, Space Cowboy!
So... This Life is all very stressful.

Hopefully it will be a grand adventure.

I Love The Boy.

But that's apparently not good enough.

I want a nice hapy group of people around me.

I also want a house, a car and lots of money.

Twin is going to move away to Hull, and I am going to be very sad.
*le sigh* I've started my own little design venture. Photography, Hair Colouring and custom Tattoo designs are my game. Intrested? Shaggy is my little refference bunny as I've...
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I also want a house, a car and lots of money.

me too! haha biggrin
good luck with the business ventures smile

I want to be a contestant on ShipWrecked 2008.

I'd have applied for 2007 if I didn't have people that I'd be leaving behind. But in 2008, it wont hold me back. Even if I miss them, it's something I have to do for me. Before I'm too old.. arg! I so feel like I've missed out.. purely through my own fault of course.
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Pirate night monday! I'm so excited!

I'm going shopping for my outfit tomorow, despite my lack of money.

xx ARRR!!!

Claire's rang this morning. The job I got has had it's hours cut all the way down to just 4!! At the shit wage it would have been anyway, it won't even be 20 a week.

I'm well unhapy. I'm gonna have to tell them I don't want the job, although I already said it was fine 'cause they put me on the spot and...
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If I can't find you on the internet... it's like you don't exist.

If everyone kept blogs it would make stalking so much easier. My enquiring mind needs to know.

xx tongue
I am in love with this girl: Venla

...and my new shoes.

Happy 20th MattMatt
Monday Night was an absolute fiasco.

Twin talked me, Stu, Steve and Matt into going out that night, and oh my God it was one thing after another.
First some imature twat thought it would be cool to push Abi down some stairs just because they don't like each other.. this lead me to smack said twat in the face, so now I'm the bad...
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wow! that is one hell of an eventful life! mine doesn't even come close!

Pirate (Before It Was Cool)
is probably the most real thing i've read in a long time smile

Good news.

This evening I bought the Ruby Slippers I've lusted after for years, that twin bought.

Bad news.

The two ebay listings for things that really ment a lot to me, I missed both by a minute. Because some fucker changed my alarm to the correct time!!! (It's usually 7 minutes fast)
I'd gladly had have had them as opposed to the Dream Shoes....
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