So I just read the greatest thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!
They've just confirmed that a Harry Potter theme park is in the works and will open in the year 2010 in Orlando!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, this is the kind of shit that makes me want to do a cartwheel. Im such a nerd but these books are pretty awesome!
They've just confirmed that a Harry Potter theme park is in the works and will open in the year 2010 in Orlando!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, this is the kind of shit that makes me want to do a cartwheel. Im such a nerd but these books are pretty awesome!

Harry Potter theme park? That is pretty freaking exciting! But a little sad, seeing how far the books have been run with. But cool still. I would go.
i'm not sure why i "beeped" at the end there. but i'm so excited i just peed my pants a little.
anyone got a fresh cloth and some baby powder?