So I take public transportation to work because it gets me here on time. I generally dont have anything against the metro just because I can chill out and listen to music and not worry about the traffic
Its great for the most part except for the one thing that keeps the fucking thing running; the fucking people. The metro is full of douche bags no matter what part of town it goes through; it is an endless cycle of crazy homeless people and idiots. Now, Im generally Im an angry person at heart regardless of where I am, so I get annoyed easily. I have zero patience and sometimes I fantasize of ways to get rid of those people that annoy me the most...
ANYWAY, so I usually just try to ignore people because it keeps me sane. There are some people, however, that manage to trigger my hate sensors because they're so fucking retarded. Im sitting on the bus, on the way to the train station, and in comes this broad on her cellphone. You know those people that talk really loud so that the general vicinity is up to date that Carol wears jumbo tampons?? Well, this chick comes in and the first thing I hear is a very obnoxious fake voice.
The voice girls do when they answer phones and try to sound alll cute and flirty.
-"So, omg, this friend of mine is selling a Chanel purse for $100 and it's real! Originally $1300 and Its got serial numbers and everything and I thought since Ihave awesome friends you could buy it for me! ....Its not like I dont have the money, because bitch I go my own money trust me, but its just that I thought you'd want to buy it for me"... should stop acquiring your designer duds that way because your Fendi pumps...yeah fake
Of course, being a dumb whore, she kept going on about how much money she spent on this and how much money she spent on that. You dont even match I thought it was funny that she is trying to show off -to a busload of people who have no idea what Hermes is, no less- but so shamelessly at that. She looks around to see what people's reactions are.
I really love hearing pretentious people talk because they dwell and include details that are completely superfluous to good conversation.
I really really dislike people like that; it's so annoying because half the time I want to be like "hey asshole"...but of course, I keep it in. Usually Ill just laught at people like that because theyre so stupid to even notice how depressing they sound, haha...except yesterday I was confined to this tube of torture with this stupid chick. GAH!!
Show offs=idiots.
Its great for the most part except for the one thing that keeps the fucking thing running; the fucking people. The metro is full of douche bags no matter what part of town it goes through; it is an endless cycle of crazy homeless people and idiots. Now, Im generally Im an angry person at heart regardless of where I am, so I get annoyed easily. I have zero patience and sometimes I fantasize of ways to get rid of those people that annoy me the most...
ANYWAY, so I usually just try to ignore people because it keeps me sane. There are some people, however, that manage to trigger my hate sensors because they're so fucking retarded. Im sitting on the bus, on the way to the train station, and in comes this broad on her cellphone. You know those people that talk really loud so that the general vicinity is up to date that Carol wears jumbo tampons?? Well, this chick comes in and the first thing I hear is a very obnoxious fake voice.
The voice girls do when they answer phones and try to sound alll cute and flirty.
-"So, omg, this friend of mine is selling a Chanel purse for $100 and it's real! Originally $1300 and Its got serial numbers and everything and I thought since Ihave awesome friends you could buy it for me! ....Its not like I dont have the money, because bitch I go my own money trust me, but its just that I thought you'd want to buy it for me"... should stop acquiring your designer duds that way because your Fendi pumps...yeah fake
Of course, being a dumb whore, she kept going on about how much money she spent on this and how much money she spent on that. You dont even match I thought it was funny that she is trying to show off -to a busload of people who have no idea what Hermes is, no less- but so shamelessly at that. She looks around to see what people's reactions are.
I really love hearing pretentious people talk because they dwell and include details that are completely superfluous to good conversation.

Show offs=idiots.

Oh and for the record, the only high end thing I own is a pair of Prada shoes. (I've never worn them because my kids really don't care what my shoes look like