So I live on a failrly busy street. My house is gated and I being the genius that I am always forgets to bring my clicker.
I decided to park on the street. I went inside and hung out for a while. Around 8 o'clock or so I decided to go to the gym so I got dressed and headed on down to my car. I got in, put my stuff down and turned the ignition. Just as I am ready to pull out I glance over to my mirror and low and behold, IT"S FREAKING GONE!
I let it register for awhile and as I looked back at it several times. Yup, it was gone. SOme asshole drove to close to me and took my mirror right off only to leave the remnants strewn about in the street. I felt that anger start to course and I really hoped that if it was a woman that her tampon would fall out in front of her kids, or it was a guy I was hoping one of his testicles would receed into his body...
Now, at the time I was highly upset and hoping for all fire and brimstone to rain down on whomever did this...BUT I have slept on it and the frustration/anger has subsided....for the most part at least. My biggest thing is...if you're going to be a shitty driver, have the common courtesy to acknowledge me! Leave me a big pile of flaming crap on my hood...leave a big sign that says asshole, SOMETHING. To leave after knowingly hitting my car is annoying.
Had I been in the car and had the driver not stopped, I wouldve been on the news for vehicular manslaughter. The commute today was so strange bc I never realized how much I relied on that thing. Oh well.
Que sera, sera
I decided to park on the street. I went inside and hung out for a while. Around 8 o'clock or so I decided to go to the gym so I got dressed and headed on down to my car. I got in, put my stuff down and turned the ignition. Just as I am ready to pull out I glance over to my mirror and low and behold, IT"S FREAKING GONE!
I let it register for awhile and as I looked back at it several times. Yup, it was gone. SOme asshole drove to close to me and took my mirror right off only to leave the remnants strewn about in the street. I felt that anger start to course and I really hoped that if it was a woman that her tampon would fall out in front of her kids, or it was a guy I was hoping one of his testicles would receed into his body...
Now, at the time I was highly upset and hoping for all fire and brimstone to rain down on whomever did this...BUT I have slept on it and the frustration/anger has subsided....for the most part at least. My biggest thing is...if you're going to be a shitty driver, have the common courtesy to acknowledge me! Leave me a big pile of flaming crap on my hood...leave a big sign that says asshole, SOMETHING. To leave after knowingly hitting my car is annoying.
Had I been in the car and had the driver not stopped, I wouldve been on the news for vehicular manslaughter. The commute today was so strange bc I never realized how much I relied on that thing. Oh well.
Que sera, sera

You can always zot the guy.