I'm sure if everyone sat down and thought about it, they could come up with at least on RAK that was done to them or that they've done for someone else. It's one of the shining things that people can do for one another, that doesn't necessarily have to cost a thing.
There were several times when I first started working at a restaurant that really stand out to me. There are 2 that start out pretty similar. For some background let me say a few things.. I grew up lower class so we always had to work hard for things we wanted. I didn't get a car when I turned 16, and I didn't get a big graduation present when I graduated high school. My parents did always keep food on the table and a roof over our heads, and that was all that mattered to me.
I lived near a city transit stop though so I was still able to get to and from work, it just took 2 hours to go 15 miles. I loved it though! I've made a lot of amazing relationships because of this too.
There was one day I woke up about 15 minutes late so I had to rush to get ready and walk (or in this case speed race trying not to sweat in my work clothes) the 5 blocks to the bus stop. I was about 2 blocks away when a truck passed me. The person stopped, backed up and yelled out the window "Hey! Are you going to that bus stop?" I nodded and they told me the bus was early and was already there. My heart was immediately in my chest! I couldn't miss the bus or I would get written up since the next bus wasn't for 2 hours so that would make me WAY late! I guess they could see the fear in my eyes and they told me to hop in and they would get me to the bus.
I know you should never get in a car with a stranger but I was young and dumb, plus all I was thinking was I couldn't be late. I got in the truck and he did a U-Turn and stopped right in front of the bus honking the horn and flashing his lights. Thankfully the bus had just shut the door so the driver let me on. I thanked the person and breathed a big sigh of relief! I was going to make it to work. He didn't have to stop, or stop the bus for me. he could have kept going about his business like it was just another day. I am so thankful for him, and for the guy in this next RAK that happened.
I was opening this day, I wasn't running late and it wasn't hot out since it was early. It was the second route of the day, and as the bus pulled up I stood back to let the other passengers off. There usually wasn't anyone on the bus this early but I always waited just to be sure. This day there happened to be one guy getting off. He had a big traveling backpack, with a rolled up tent and extra pair of boots hanging from the pack. I remember thinking 'Wow, I wish I had to stamina and guts to travel on foot like this guy'. As he passed and I went to get on he came up and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to him and he handed me a little pass, and said "Here, you can probably use this more than I will." Then turned and walked off. I looked down to what he gave me and it was an all day riding pass! He had to have just bought it since the bus just started running for the day! I didn't have time to thank him before he was off and walking but it did put a huge smile on my face. Saving every penny I could was so important to me so this was a huge blessing! I used the pass to get to work and then go to get lunch and back.
Towards the end of my shift one of my coworkers was digging threw her purse and mumbled 'dammit I could've sworn I had enough' and I knew she meant bus fare since we've chatted about public transit before.
Knowing I had a friend coming to give me a ride home, I walked over and handed her the same pass that was given to me that morning. At first she tried to refuse but once I explained how I came to it and how I didn't need it so id rather someone use it than throwing it away, she thanked me.
She left with a big smile and a shout to see me tomorrow.
Its just amazing how one little act can literally turn someones entire day around. Even if they were already having a good day, it puts the thought to keep spreading that love, in their mind.
Now that I have a steady job, and a solid support system I always try and repay that kindness when I can. Whether its stopping to help a turtle cross the road, or helping pay for someones groceries when I see them counting out change.
A little goes a long way now a days, and I am happy to say I keep pushing it a little further <3