I've been thinking about buying a cow. I figure I've eaten enough meat in my life that I should kill my own cow at least once. So I'll buy a cow, kill it, skin it, and butcher it. I'll have meat for a year and lots of leather. I would have a big meat party. All the meat you can eat. I'd video tape the...
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haven't had much energy in the past few weeks. I've just changed schedules at work though so now I have thurs, fri, and sat off. I was actually able to see some of my old SCA friends. I haven't seen most these people in at least 2 years so people have to meet me again. Most of them haven't changed much and have grown into...
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More of the same. They only time I ever see anyone is at work and its not a very social environment, at least not for me. Its snowed every day I've wanted to cast something so I haven't been able to pour any metal in a while. I started making kaliedoscopes and I've got the stuff to make a drum. I picked up some scrap...
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So things are still moving along. Just as slow as always. I made my first aluminum casting a couple weeks ago with my foundry. I haven't been able to do a casting since because its snowed every day I have off. I'm going to try to cast a chess set on my next casting. I also need to pour some brass for knife fittings. Oh,...
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I hate doing cell phone customer service. I hate talking on the phone. Always have. The first job I ever had was doing customer service for Gateway computers. That drove me crazier but at least it was technical and I didn't have to be personal with people. I would find the problem, fix it, go to the next one. Then I did customer service for...
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This is a calmness in the wind. I've made another comb. I'm quite pleased with it. I'll put up a pic when I can. I've gotten myself a metal cutting bandsaw! w00t! This should save my arm from hacksawing so much. I'll be getting a belt/disc sander this weekend I think. I really need one. I've finished my 2nd ever comb. Its bone and antler...
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So, things are still moving along. I'm still living like a hermit. I'm such a hermit. The only time I see people is at work. I've been so busy I've hardly noticed. I'll put up pictures of what I've been working on soon. I don't have much to report. No drama, no women, nothing. Just work. I like love the work I do. Its very...
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You got it. What have you been up to man? Long time. Mostly my fault. We should try meeting up somewhere soon. I have moved and will be moving again in a little bit. What about you?
Soon. Stay tuned for updates.