Bwahahahaa!! Today was my last day working in colorado springs! It feels like quiting a job. I love quiting jobs.

So, the plan: I move like crazy for the next 3 days getting things done. I go like crazy until friday afternoon. I eat food, I consume good, dark beer, I pass the hell out. Early the next morning I drive to Pheonix, do some...
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happy travels
I've been fighting with allergies ever since I got back in Colorado. It's all the yards being mowed, I think. Yesterday I was blowing my nose every 15 minutes. It got worse and kept me up all night. So, I think it turned into an actual cold. Which is a really stupid thing for my body to do right now. I don't have time to...
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You and me both. I couldn't even shower this morning without having to blow my nose three times.
Well I hate to tell you this but allergies aren't really any better here. At least the air quality in CO is better than the brown dust we breathe here. Of course, results in Orange County may vary.
Today was stupid too. I got a lot done, but when I was driving my van to my shop it kept dying. It was really bad. It was a good thing my dad was with me. Since it's a van you can access the engine while driving. He managed the choke on the carburetor while I drove. So, I've got to replace the fuel pump,...
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I don't have to work tomorrow so I can rest up well.

But I reeeeeally want to get my dresser and build it before the Project Krewe meeting.
YAR! You should get several patches and adorn them with different gems. That way you can wear a patch that reflects your mood that day. What's better than personalization?

Also...I liked your story. I wonder what they're doing now.
Oh, what a stupid day.

Last night I went drinking with my sister and her husband. The subject of strip clubs came up and that I had never been. So, it was decided that since I was leaving she was going to take me to a strip club. We went, we consumed alcohol, we saw naked boobs, and I got a free lap dance from...
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This month is going to be a very busy month. I've got the job in LA. I start June 4th. I just picked up a new transmission for my van and I'll be installing it this weekend, I think. After I get the transmission installed I'll start moving stuff from my warehouse to the building in Victor. I've got to get the loan and stuff...
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Did you get my message about housing?
we'll be here when you arrive.
I just got done with a long day. I left for Victor, Colorado this morning to help my dad. My parents have a building there. It's the building I was raised in. He's been redoing the upstairs to live because my parents are having to resort to moving back there. So I help when I can. Also, I'm going to be moving a lot of...
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I'm cold just looking at that.
I unofficially heard that I got the job. I still haven't signed anything, but it's a step in the right direction. I'm letting a good friend in CO move into my shop. His lease was expiring and he's trying to move to Portland. This gives him a place to stay without a lease and stuff. The problem is he has a lot more shit than...
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thanks! I've been trying not to get too excited about something that isn't a sure thing I think I forgot to be excited when I found out. I reckon I'll do the 'happy dance' when I hear it from HR.
I've had a great time in California. Everyone I've met from SG has made it so much better. It's been great meeting all the new people. The timing for Tuesday night dinner was perfect. It let me have a nice big dinner with my new friends. The monogolian beef at Hop Louie's is fan-fucking-tastic. I've got to go back there sometime. Anyway, my plane leaves...
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I'm glad it was a good trip, even if the get away was less than perfect.
nice meeting you the other night biggrin
So, I didn't leave for S.F until after 2pm. I drove about half way and figured everything would be closed and boring by the time I got there. Instead I just took an exit with pretty sceanary and played a fun game called "Where's that road go" It's a fun game that has lead to the occasional replacement of an oil pan from hitting rocks....
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Oh, I'm stuffed. I just got back from an all-you-can-eat sushi resturant. I love Unagi. It's soooooo good. My body is buzzing for the love of a fish stuffed gut. And its the weekend!!! w00t!!! The busy week is over. I think I might go to San Francisco tomorrow. Somewhere out of town for sure. I think a nice drive would do me good. I'll...
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I do know.

And yeah, the two weeks will be hard. I told the AM not to discuss it (she'll have to tell the GM and owner, but not the rest of the staff). I felt so bad because she just about started to cry. I was one of the last people from the old crew.

And the two weeks will give me time to make as much as possible and then I'll just have to sit on my savings for a bit, including going to Prom (although I figured that into my budget so I'll be OK).
Not a problem at all ...