it was a pretty good weekend.Today I went mini golfing with the SGOC kids. Manannama told me about it. I suck at miniature golf! A lot. Any time you really suck at something you should just drink booze. It makes you more okay about sucking. I kept hitting the ball way too hard. Which was fun. My ball kept attacking Breezy. (Theres a good ball...
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Actually, You're the third guy who's balls attacked her this weekend. wink

And it stopped being Manamana weeks ago. tongue
I'm sorry I missed that.
Well today was good. I didn't do anything super-fun, but it was an overall good day. I moved into the adjacent, formerly occupied room and Gangsta Swan's brother moved into my former room. My room is laid out much better and I have more space, even though the rooms are the same size. It's also cooler because the sun doesn't hit it as much.

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Losing a wallet is the worst. I'm sorry man.
You coming to mini golf on Sunday?
The long hours I've been working have been depleting me of energy for fun things. I got some domestic crap done today, exchanged my broken camera, helped a friend move a couch. I didn't do much else. I did make an excellent steak. Yum.

The constant drivng for work has also given me plenty of time to think of my ex. Damn it. I guess...
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Okay now THAT was the longest work day I've ever had. I worked from 6am to 2am.

20 fucking hours.

I missed midget lucha wrestlng EL SUICIDO LOCO

Damn it
Oh noes! I seriously thought you'd just gotten home from wrestling. You poor thing. Want me to beat someone up?
Yes, and could you wear this mask? EL SUICIDO LOCO
Holy crap. I just finished a 16.5 hour day at work. It started at 7am and went to 11:30pm. I'm tired.I might also be going in tomorrow. Supposed to be a day off but shit happens.

It was excellent to see everyone last night. It's good to meet new people and a little sad to see some of them leave.

I'm hoping not to have...
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thanks i am going to need all the help i can get!

have fun frolicing naked
I thought the naked beach was a bunch of naked old guys ...
That bad?
That's right, you had just moved last time...I do remember now. Sure, I can try to blame the changing facial hair, or the drinking...but mostly my memory sucks. Glad to catch up though and am glad you're making strange beverages in your new home.
I don't know if it's spring fever or just that I've actually been around girl people lately but I likes me some girl people. More plz, kthx.

I broke up with my ex about a year ago. After that I just started working in my shop more. 14-16 hour days. That became a habit and when I actually want to see people again I didn't...
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I was just in the shower thinking about the whole thing with Senator Ted Stevens; "It's not a truck but a series of tubes". I'm sure what happened was Ted was upset his "internet" hadn't arrived so he called tech support:

Tech guy: Hello, Internet tech support, this is Tech Guy. How can I help you?
Senator Ted: Yeah, hello? hello?
TG: Yes, sir. How...
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It's funny. I totally get it.

Once in seventh grade my science teacher had four rats and they were huge! A sixth grader asked how they got so big and my teacher said she kept them next to microwave at night so the radiation would mutate their genes. That poor kid must be fucked up about genetics and microwaves now.
have fun unclogging the tubes.
End of week one in California.

So far things are going pretty well. I've got a room and a bed now. I didn't for most the week. I'm not entirely moved in, but now I'm comfortable. I've met neat new people and saw most the neat people from before. Everything is still all shiny and new.

For now, I'm just winding down with some medicore...
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Welcome back, sir.
good to see you on Friday. welcome.
Okay, I'm here in Huntington Beach and all is well. I started my drive Saturday at 4:30pm and arrived here Sunday around 6:30pm. With the hour time zone change, that makes around 27 hours with 1 hour of sleep in New Mexico. See, I was towing my car with my van and it would only do 55MPH on flat roads and less up hill.

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Jesus. You're a machine! I don't think I could have driven that way on such little sleep. I grew up sleeping in cars and I think they just automatically make me sleepy. Hell, I fall asleep driving from GS' place to my own sometimes. I know, that sounds horrible but I haven't died yet. *knocks on wood*
yeah, bro, good meeting you.
about the car.. as much as you need one in LA it's still not a real big priority for me, with my back all jacked up I'm not doing a whole lot anyway, mostly just planning on getting my motorcycle fixed, my back fixed, and my bro and me going to austin for some music and fun!

I gotta admit things were a wee bit fuzzy by the time we met up w/ tha gangsta & U last nite... maybe it was the 8 beers and 2 margaritas... I'm not sure, but I didn't know you just drove out here!

Russ & I both made the drive here from chitcago on our own.. I've actually done it about a dozen times... can be fun, glad it was drama free for ya!