things have been going better. I've got a bunch of horns and antler I've been cutting and carving and making stuff with. I'll have tongs for my foundry soon. I'm getting bills paid off and works getting done. Its slow going but its going. Soon I will have my tools and warehouse space and I will conquer the world!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!
no matter how much things change they always seem the same. I've walked on this road for a long time. I walk alone. At times I may walk with someone else but no one ever walks with me. This is always how its been. At least now I know which way I'm going.

Truck drivers often pick up hitchhikers just to have someone to talk...
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Happy Halloween!!! Until next time...
Shinedown is playing at 32 Bleu on Friday the 20th. Tickets are $15.00 a piece. Let me know if this would be something to consider as an SG event. Maybe afterwards head to an all night diner and chill or whatever. Until next time...
ahhh, what day is this? How long have I been doing customer service? I'm only a month or so into this job and its already same ol shit different shovel. Its so monotonous it feels like one big blur. I'm trying to get money to rent a warehouse but things are going slow. Maybe 2 months. Timing is everything. I have THINGS to do! So...
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sorry I missed you at village inn. Things kind of blow up around here just when I was about to go. hectic, comotion, crap. Hope to see you saturday though.
Indeed I am sure you will. Do not sweat missing the meeting for it served. Some random people invited me to eat with them and (see earlier post) we ended up having a blast. But next time, try and post in my journal. See you Saturday and have fun. Until next time...
I haven't updated this in a long time. I'm working at Virgin Mobile now. It sucks buts its a steady paycheck. Getting bills done. Soon enough I'll have enough to rent a warehouse and start production. I don't know why I'm even bothering updating thing. Nothing is interesting right now. Things will be interesting soon but now its boring. I haven't even flirted with any...
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People are the same where ever you go. In harsh conditions harsh men emerge. After a couple years of fighting in war many men will be shell-shocked. PTSD. PTSD makes killing easier to accept as normal. Some people over there have been fighting since they were 10 years old. They have seen countless people die in both wars. Que that in with discord for the...
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Well, right, we aren't perfect and we've had a better run than most countries and living in a country where you don't always have to worry about death is a good thing. I agree. But you could say the same thing about any 1st world country. I love the oppertunities being in the US gives me and I love the people but at the same time we're not as free as most people think we are either. We have more people in jails and prisons than any country in the world - including china. The country thats the most free now? Somalia. They have no government. They only have enough of a government to exist as a country. Beyond that they go by tribal law. Just don't piss of the tribes - they ran the US out
also, SG Colorado is having an event soon. details here smile
Ah, bloody hell. I work with a bunch of lazy freaking morons. I'm done. Putting in my 2 weeks. I still need to find another job though. Same old shit different day, same old shit different day, same old shit different day. I gotta get the hell out of this rut. whatever eeek
ugh, holy crap. What a night. I went to the suicide girls show last night. Awesome. The show was artisticly hilarious. I laughed my ass off watching mostly naked girls and their over-the-top theatrics. I met lots of really cool people. I ran into people I hadn't seen in a while. I got gropped biggrin I was just at the bar getting a beer and I...
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btw, if its going to be a 21+ show why in the hell do the girls have to have tape on their boobs??
I've been working at the greenhouse for almost 2 weeks now. They've made me the manager and I got a raise wink The work sucks but at least the pay is lousy. At least now I can do the same amount of work next year and get paid $200 a day if I do it with myself and a couple people. Need some start up cash...
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dammit - when did world domination come with a price tag?! how unfair is that?!

hey, saturday, ironbhr, wofats, and i for sure will be at the show. come say hi!
Well its finally the weeked and I'm going to the SG show tonight. WhooHoo! My liver may hate me tomorrow. I'll be looking for you Samantha. If any of you other crazy buggers spot me, feed me booze, or just say 'hi' wink
Now, I've been living in the Springs for near 6 years now. Before that I lived up in the mountains. Most my life I lived in mountain towns with no more than 500 people in the whole town. I never did see a garage door open in real life 'til I was 16. We didn't have any lawns and if we did sure as hell...
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the springs blows man, I'm here too. its my own personal hell and prison skull
no doubt, and finding work is hell. I just got a job as a care taker for a greenhouse. I never thought working in a greenhouse would be so much hard work, just taking care of little flowers. The pay sucks. It nice to see little old lady's faces light up when they find some pretty flowers for their house though. Its something different anyway. whatever
This is it. The gripping moment I begin a Suicide Girls Journal! Action! Suspense! Mayhem! An unrivaling cornucopia of audacious hard-core bordom! Ohhhh yeaah. Are ya feeling it? I'm feeling it.

eeek I just felt it eeek
What am I doing in the Springs? Going out of my fucking mind! I've basically isolated myself and for way too long. Working in my garage and sitting in front of my computer. Ack
i'm feelin it...