People are the same where ever you go. In harsh conditions harsh men emerge. After a couple years of fighting in war many men will be shell-shocked. PTSD. PTSD makes killing easier to accept as normal. Some people over there have been fighting since they were 10 years old. They have seen countless people die in both wars. Que that in with discord for the oppressive country they are being occupied by. The country that decides they need a new flag and picks it for them. Also the country that picks their new leader. Its difficult for americans to understand Iraqi anger. But people are people and you will find good, generous people no matter where you go.
I don't have national pride anymore. Why? Whats the point? You like American history? Corperate America only cares about money. Why would they care about anything else? Thats what they do. Corperations have bought themselves into the American government. Corruption, greed, deceit. Its all about money.
. I look at the world as a child that I either have pride or am ashamed of. I don't have any influence. I just have to watch the world grow up and hope it turns out okay.
I don't have national pride anymore. Why? Whats the point? You like American history? Corperate America only cares about money. Why would they care about anything else? Thats what they do. Corperations have bought themselves into the American government. Corruption, greed, deceit. Its all about money.

Well, right, we aren't perfect and we've had a better run than most countries and living in a country where you don't always have to worry about death is a good thing. I agree. But you could say the same thing about any 1st world country. I love the oppertunities being in the US gives me and I love the people but at the same time we're not as free as most people think we are either. We have more people in jails and prisons than any country in the world - including china. The country thats the most free now? Somalia. They have no government. They only have enough of a government to exist as a country. Beyond that they go by tribal law. Just don't piss of the tribes - they ran the US out
also, SG Colorado is having an event soon. details here