Now, I've been living in the Springs for near 6 years now. Before that I lived up in the mountains. Most my life I lived in mountain towns with no more than 500 people in the whole town. I never did see a garage door open in real life 'til I was 16. We didn't have any lawns and if we did sure as hell nobody mowed 'em. We didn't have any fancy coffee. Best way to make coffee is in a regular metal pot with water and a bunch of grounds. Boil it for a half hour or so and you'll have yourself some good, strong coffee. Sticks to yer ribs. Theres a lot of conveniences cities have but theres just as many things we understood that city folk just never will. At least not American city folk understand. We'd always feel pretty secure up in the mountains. If work needed to be done you could count on doing some trading to have someone give you a hand. If there was ever going to be real bad times in America then we'd not be effected too much. People could still grow their own food and hunt game. You see a lot of revelutionary, NRA, type people in the mountains. Some of these people have stock piles of weapons and ammo. Bunkers. Not only that but they know their area of the mountains better than anyone else does. They figure if someone was coming to get them that they'd give em 'What for!'. Thats something most city folk would never understand. I reckon them Iraqi in Fallujah and what not understand it pretty good though. Thats a different type of city folk fer sure.
the springs blows man, I'm here too. its my own personal hell and prison

no doubt, and finding work is hell. I just got a job as a care taker for a greenhouse. I never thought working in a greenhouse would be so much hard work, just taking care of little flowers. The pay sucks. It nice to see little old lady's faces light up when they find some pretty flowers for their house though. Its something different anyway.