Wednesday a cow-orker scored some extra tickets to a Dodgers game through work. I expected the seats to suck. They didn't. Section 33B Row 4: Box seats close enough to 3rd base to spit on the baseman.
I would need to be more detailed for you to fully understand what I'm saying, which I'm not going to do on here. The brief version is that I feel I've had a since of morality for as long I remember but given the situation that I was in I was surprised, which I'm sad to say, and glad that I put morality first. In similar situations I've done things that I wouldn't have expected from myself. With that in mind I wonder if I've grown is some way. Unfortunately, believing in something and actually acting on that belief are two different things. I hate that fact and wish it wasn't the case for anyone but for some I know it isn't. All said and done I've made mistakes just not recently.
Still, that's pretty freakin' awesome
Sweet score on the tickets