It's good to be back in California; not because I love California but I'm tired of moving stuff. It wasn't much fun, but it was very productive.
I ordered a 10 yard dumpster and cleaned out my warehouse. Everything I wanted to keep I took to my building in Victor, everything else was trash. I rented a 27' U-haul truck and with the help of my aunt I loaded all of my parents stuff. I'm glad my aunt was there, but she really couldn't lift anything heavy. I was basically by myself. My parents are too broken to help.
We were toading until 4am. The lt was time to go to my warehouse and transport my fishes and their tank. I scooped up the fishes and put them in a tupperware tub with water. I put the tub in the cab with me and the tank in the back of the truck. We rolled down the trucks back door did some last minute stuff at the warehouse. Off we went: me in the truck, my dad in his van. I was on the way to 7-11 to grab a cup of coffee for the road when the red and blue's lit me up. Crap! I pulled into the 7-11 parking lot. The officer came to my window and said that I hadn't done anything wrong. He just wanted to let me know that the trucks back dorr was open. !!!!!what?!! He said he hadn't noticed anything fall out and that he reckoned me to be lucky. I went to inspect the load...looks like everythings fish tank is gone! SHIT! What else?! CRAP!!!! I drive back. I found my dad with his van blocking all 3 lanes of traffic to keep cars from running over the stuff. He was sweaping up glass from the aquarium. A few boxes things were on the side of the road. and a police officer redirecting traffic. Apperantly he was a nide cop. So I finish sweaping and load everything back up.
Another problem was that the water from the fish tub splashed all over on the slightest turn. I'm sure the fish were being knocked all over...poor fishes. So we bought some trash bags at Walgreens and transfered the fish to a bag lined tub. That made things much better. We grabbed some coffee and hit the road. We finially got to the building in Victor at 7am and immediately went to sleep. What a fucking day.
The next day everyone is exhausted. Nothing gets moved. Since we knew I wouldn't be in Colorado for Christmas, this was when we did it.It was mellow. Everyone was tired. I was running out of days and had to get everything unloaded so I could bring the U-haul truck back and get the hell out of Colorado. This time I didn't have my aunt's help. I took some viccodine and away I went. Box after box went up 27 stairs. My dad found random people on the sidewalk to help at brief times. It was a godsend. There was no way I owuld have been able to move the couch, the fucking desk, and many other fucking pieces of heavy fucking furniture. The dolly I had in Colorado Springs would do me no good on the 27 stairs.
So now I'm back. I went to disneyland. It roicked. My happy ass did, in fact, find space mountain.
While I was in Colorado I also obtained my motorcycle license. Now I'm able to pick my bike up this next wekend.
I wish I took some before and after pictures but I did take these
The cleaned out warehouse
I ordered a 10 yard dumpster and cleaned out my warehouse. Everything I wanted to keep I took to my building in Victor, everything else was trash. I rented a 27' U-haul truck and with the help of my aunt I loaded all of my parents stuff. I'm glad my aunt was there, but she really couldn't lift anything heavy. I was basically by myself. My parents are too broken to help.
We were toading until 4am. The lt was time to go to my warehouse and transport my fishes and their tank. I scooped up the fishes and put them in a tupperware tub with water. I put the tub in the cab with me and the tank in the back of the truck. We rolled down the trucks back door did some last minute stuff at the warehouse. Off we went: me in the truck, my dad in his van. I was on the way to 7-11 to grab a cup of coffee for the road when the red and blue's lit me up. Crap! I pulled into the 7-11 parking lot. The officer came to my window and said that I hadn't done anything wrong. He just wanted to let me know that the trucks back dorr was open. !!!!!what?!! He said he hadn't noticed anything fall out and that he reckoned me to be lucky. I went to inspect the load...looks like everythings fish tank is gone! SHIT! What else?! CRAP!!!! I drive back. I found my dad with his van blocking all 3 lanes of traffic to keep cars from running over the stuff. He was sweaping up glass from the aquarium. A few boxes things were on the side of the road. and a police officer redirecting traffic. Apperantly he was a nide cop. So I finish sweaping and load everything back up.
Another problem was that the water from the fish tub splashed all over on the slightest turn. I'm sure the fish were being knocked all over...poor fishes. So we bought some trash bags at Walgreens and transfered the fish to a bag lined tub. That made things much better. We grabbed some coffee and hit the road. We finially got to the building in Victor at 7am and immediately went to sleep. What a fucking day.
The next day everyone is exhausted. Nothing gets moved. Since we knew I wouldn't be in Colorado for Christmas, this was when we did it.It was mellow. Everyone was tired. I was running out of days and had to get everything unloaded so I could bring the U-haul truck back and get the hell out of Colorado. This time I didn't have my aunt's help. I took some viccodine and away I went. Box after box went up 27 stairs. My dad found random people on the sidewalk to help at brief times. It was a godsend. There was no way I owuld have been able to move the couch, the fucking desk, and many other fucking pieces of heavy fucking furniture. The dolly I had in Colorado Springs would do me no good on the 27 stairs.
So now I'm back. I went to disneyland. It roicked. My happy ass did, in fact, find space mountain.
While I was in Colorado I also obtained my motorcycle license. Now I'm able to pick my bike up this next wekend.
I wish I took some before and after pictures but I did take these
The cleaned out warehouse
The fished in their tank
The fish tank on the side of the road
an old picture of my building
going up
at the top of the stairs
and looking to the left, down the hall
the bathroom down the hall
the basement
and from the other side
the furnace
Heres one of the rentals downstairs. This one is $500 a month
heres another. we had some water damage. It's not that bad.
and the single rental
back of the building
and my parents very good ferret
That ferret is sooooo cute! But not as cute as Squee.