I might not ought to be posting right now. I'm not in the best of moods and for no good reason. It bothers me that I've got city for miles and miles in any direction I go. I grew up in a darn small town and I don't think I'll ever get used to all these city folk. Theres plenty of good folk from the city but theres a lot of what I don't like in people. Image is everywhere here. Everyone is concerned about it. I reckon thats why a lot of folks go and end up here. There's a lot of things I like about LA but image isn't one of them. In my job I support the internet connections for businesses that these over-paid sales reps get. So I have to deal with super-pretty, dumb as shit sales reps. I can't stand salesmen. They're fake and they lie. That's pretty much why I don't like this obession people have with image out here. Everyone is trying to sell you something, even if it's just themselves. It's fake bullshit. I don't like fake bullshit.
Real small tits are better than fake large ones. That plastic people put in their face makes them ugly.
I feel a little better now.
I feel a little better now.