Finally got to see some friends last night.
And I finally saw the FIRST Kill Bill. I caved in to the masses. I will now have to see the second because it is a pretty chill movie. Somehow there is a guilt in me for liking things that abso-fuck-ing-lutely everybody in the world is obsessed with. This can be an exception. I liked it okay. But what the hell am I saying? I am a hypocrite in a sense because I give in to many things that that pop culture created. eh, what you gonna do? I got bigger fish to fry right now- one step at a time.
Yesterday, My old boss sent me 4 Ani Difranco cds I didn't have in the mail and the little girl I used to nanny for sent me a picture. It made me very happy. The whole package was awesome. Great sentiment. I had an awesome boss- it really stinks she moved.
Hopefully, I'll be going to a show tonight in Sunnyvale. Free time is awesome.
And I finally saw the FIRST Kill Bill. I caved in to the masses. I will now have to see the second because it is a pretty chill movie. Somehow there is a guilt in me for liking things that abso-fuck-ing-lutely everybody in the world is obsessed with. This can be an exception. I liked it okay. But what the hell am I saying? I am a hypocrite in a sense because I give in to many things that that pop culture created. eh, what you gonna do? I got bigger fish to fry right now- one step at a time.
Yesterday, My old boss sent me 4 Ani Difranco cds I didn't have in the mail and the little girl I used to nanny for sent me a picture. It made me very happy. The whole package was awesome. Great sentiment. I had an awesome boss- it really stinks she moved.
Hopefully, I'll be going to a show tonight in Sunnyvale. Free time is awesome.

Quentin Tarantino doesn't make movies geared towards masses. Just excelent, over the top movies. So awesome, and w/ so much (radically) different character, it appeals to that many more people. Hell, do you think that 1/2 of the people who "liked" Pulp Fiction, really get the details that make that movie so great?
I adore Tarantino. He is a huge inspiration to me...