I was online a few weeks ago and filled out an application for a job out of boredom. I was interested in it...but feeling like I wasn't going to get it. So, they called me back yesterday and told me to come in for an interview. He said that 90 people applied for the job- they called me! There is still a chance I won't get it...which is ok. I wasn't expecting it in the first place. It sounds fun though. It is a job working for a doggy day care center. I would get paid to play with(and clean up after) dogs. (etc) The interview will be me in a room full of dogs to see how I act. Then, I have to memorize all of the dog's names. Then there is a tour. (etc) Anyways, I have been taking a lot of classes on the animal human relationship so it will probably help me get the job. I just finished writing two papers, one on search and rescue dogs and the other on the history of the relationship between dog and man. Strange coincidence. Well, it should be a nice change for me if I get it. We'll see what happens at the interview...
Other than that, I have a presentation tommorow morning AHHH! I am freaked out. gotta go...
Other than that, I have a presentation tommorow morning AHHH! I am freaked out. gotta go...
good luck!!! hope you get the doggy job
Well hell yeah about the job. I have been trying to get a decent paying one for a while now. Problem here is a huge tobacco plant is closing and now literally hundreds maybe even thousands of people are flooding the job market and willing to work for total shit pay. Good luck on the presentation