I dated a disaster. Only about 4 weeks of wasted time. And thank the heavens for no more than that. After *this* I'll never think of him again. He doesn't need to be a blip on my radar because....well....he doesn't. EW is the best way to describe my general feeling on the matter.
But there is one thing. One night I agreed to stay over (ugh we didn't have sex, THANK GOD) and I forgot my insomnia meds. By 3am I was still laying in bed awake and finally freaked out, exhausted and frustrated. He offered to drive me and bring me back. But not without complaining the entire way to my place about how he needed sleep and how now he's not going to feel good and he works blah blah blah. (He had been asleep for at least 4 hours, while I laid sleepless next to him, when I woke him). He seems to forget my LIFETIME of lost sleep, I never fucking feel good I just don't whine to everyone and I work full time at a job where I don't make my own hours (he owns his own business and often will wrap up early to do things like rock climbing.....yes he's a douche, everybody).
And what did I remember in the middle of all that? Mr. Bass. A similar situation happened and what did he do at the time? Helped me gather my things and thought if we went back to my place to get my meds, we should just stay there to help ease my anxiety. He held my hand the whole way back to my place. He tucked me in and rubbed my back until I fell asleep. He didn't complain. Not once. Not ever. And THAT will be my basis of comparison for all future relationships.
*Mr. Bass: Since I know either you or Her are spying (for a fact): I still think of you, you know. I hope you're taking care of yourself. I'm still not angry. I still hope the best for you. My journey forward has been liberating, and I'm finding myself all over again. Things are good.