I left a VM for a certain SG. I hope she calls back.
Getting my computers fixed today (dorky but they need it) and then seeing Tiga and maybe hitting up a birthday party as well.
This is the quiet before the SXSW storm next weekend.
So I read in today's paper that a financial analyst looked over Bush's budget/tax cuts and the study finds that in a decade, we will be 1.8 TRILLION dollars in debt. Am I wrong but when Clinto left office, didn't we have a SURPLUS? I believe we are now $250 BILLION in debt only 2 years into this administration. What gives? Does no one look at this?
Oh and I hear our "war" with Iraq could cost is 80-100 BILLION alone. I swear...is no one watching the store? We Americans are so GD lazy it's pathetic.
By the way, we "missed" finding Osama Bin Laden and we still never found out who was sending anthrax to senators and TV corporations. NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THIS!
Getting my computers fixed today (dorky but they need it) and then seeing Tiga and maybe hitting up a birthday party as well.
This is the quiet before the SXSW storm next weekend.
So I read in today's paper that a financial analyst looked over Bush's budget/tax cuts and the study finds that in a decade, we will be 1.8 TRILLION dollars in debt. Am I wrong but when Clinto left office, didn't we have a SURPLUS? I believe we are now $250 BILLION in debt only 2 years into this administration. What gives? Does no one look at this?
Oh and I hear our "war" with Iraq could cost is 80-100 BILLION alone. I swear...is no one watching the store? We Americans are so GD lazy it's pathetic.
By the way, we "missed" finding Osama Bin Laden and we still never found out who was sending anthrax to senators and TV corporations. NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THIS!

It's REALLY sick, isn't it? Doesn't it make you wonder about all the things that I've done up until now that you DIDN'T know about? he he he
Ohhhh... (pouting) I thought you told me everything...????