i am so fucking happy right now. i just completed my first quarter of college. and i think i did pretty well. i got a 100% on my final psychology project and when i told my mom she started crying and when i told my dad he said, "100%? holy shit, becky! that's great. i mean damn it, shit, aw hell that's teriffic!" my parents are homly church goers so it's kind of odd to hear my dad curse. i was half expecting to hear him drop the f-bomb. anyway... i just wanted to share my elation with all of you. or who ever reads this. i dont blame you if you dont read it. i'm off to bed now seeing as it's 3:30 in the morning and i have to be up in 4 hours to go to work and then attend my last classes directly after that.
WOOHOO!! 2 weeks off of school here i come!
WOOHOO!! 2 weeks off of school here i come!

"Viva Mexico! Viva Juarez! Viva el 5 de mayo!"