so on saturday the girl that i had a huge crush on in 10th grade come in. she was the most beautiful that i had ever seen in real life; my snow white. she had perfect, pale skin and the most beautiful, crystal clear blue eyes. but most of all she had the best stomach that i had ever seen on a woman. she alwasy wore these jeans that fit her so perfectly. but unfourtunatly she was a jehovah's witness and i was really shy then so nothing ever happened. i used to have dreams of us kissing. she came in with her husband
and it ruined everything. now all i have is the memories of 5 years ago.
in other news i just spent a half hour outside in the freezing cold hoping to see a meteor shower. but mother nature (that stupid bitch) decided that it would be great to fill the sky with clouds so all i saw in that long 30 minutes was one star for about 2 seconds. oh well. maybe next time.

in other news i just spent a half hour outside in the freezing cold hoping to see a meteor shower. but mother nature (that stupid bitch) decided that it would be great to fill the sky with clouds so all i saw in that long 30 minutes was one star for about 2 seconds. oh well. maybe next time.