so i've been doing a lot of thinking lately about things. my friend situation mostly. since i moved away 2 months ago things have changed a lot more than i thought they would. i kind of feel like they're not my friends anymore and we just hang out once a week or so out of obligation. and as a result that makes me feel very lonely. this is really the forst time in 5 years where i havent had a boyfriend; the first time in i dont know how long that i dont have any real friends either. all i have is my sister and my brother in-law. and they're almost always at work so i rarely ever see them. i spend a lot of time by myself. really the only time that i'm around people is when i'm at work and i think that's why i love my job so much. i'm an incredibly social person and not having all of the people around that i used to talk to is really depressing me. but with the exception of 2 girls that i dont like everyone at work is either 17 or 30. i'm going back to school in either january or april and on one hand i cant wait. going back to school will be a great way to meet new people. but i'm kind of afraid that i wont really be around people my age. i think i'm just stressing out too much ond over thinking things.
Funny you should say something about hostipals......I did have to go to one, but it was for my grandfather. He's got something wrong and just had a clapsed lung(walking around with it for 3 months too....) and some fluid removed. But they think there is more too it than just those things...they did a bone scan and a bunch of tests to check for cancer so...we'll see I guess......
Nice to have someone to kindof talk to isn't it??