Had a great time with the girlfriend and family tonight just hanging out. Not quite the way I had hoped/planned it to turn out, but meh, it happens.
Gotta start getting back to the gym, Think once I can break this 250 barrier, it'll do a LOT for me mentally in getting back into shape. Probably do wonders for the schoolgirlish body image problems too...
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Gotta start getting back to the gym, Think once I can break this 250 barrier, it'll do a LOT for me mentally in getting back into shape. Probably do wonders for the schoolgirlish body image problems too...
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Good beer, food, & friends! Not a bad life if you think about it! LOL
Ooooo I want to play magic with you. I need to get my own deck so maybe you can recommend which one to buy? They have so many new ones since I have played years ago.
Wow, so much going on that this is the first chance I've had lately to just sit down and breathe. Between moving, work, family and friends, I've yet to have time just to myself in about two months now. Haven't even played a video game aside from crappy android games very occasionally.
Only real downside to this is I feel like I'm actually having withdrawals...
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Only real downside to this is I feel like I'm actually having withdrawals...
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Gotta get back into gaming! I am up for playing!

Damn near two years. Amazing how much things can change in such a short time.
Baby girl is growing like a weed, wouldn't surprise me if she ends up taller than even me at this rate. Now have another child on the way. And time to start working on crap for the day.
Baby girl is growing like a weed, wouldn't surprise me if she ends up taller than even me at this rate. Now have another child on the way. And time to start working on crap for the day.
Congrats, dude. She's beautiful. 

I'm gonna go get some shaving cream then put an actual blog up.
good cus I hate hairy blogs
Had a wonderful night last night. Was going out with a new girl I'd met and done a couple of things with over the past month and a half or two. Apparently it turns out that both of us had been wondering and pondering and bugging other people with asking if this was supposed to be a date or not (it was the first time...
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Isn't great when shit just works out? Go universe.
Been quite some time since I updated. Not too much new going on, cept I did survive the St. Patty's Blackout on the busiest street in town.
Now just waiting on Age of Conan, fucking with Warcraft out of utter and total boredom lately. Think I'm about to work on painting up some more Warhammer 40K stuff. Also I bought an ooooooooooollllllllllllddddddd Mossburg .22 rifle,...
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Now just waiting on Age of Conan, fucking with Warcraft out of utter and total boredom lately. Think I'm about to work on painting up some more Warhammer 40K stuff. Also I bought an ooooooooooollllllllllllddddddd Mossburg .22 rifle,...
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I was concerned about St. Pattys day... Seems like ever one in Savannah damn near droped off the earth after that night
Gearing up for St. Patty's Day now. If the schedule stays like it is and works out, me and a few of the guys are gonna be hitting River St. hard. It'll be the first time since living here for 4-5 years that I'll actually be downtown on St. Patty's (and not working). Here's to hoping I don't get too stupid...hah!
In other news, apparently...
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In other news, apparently...
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Been quite some time since I even remembered that I have the actual profile here. Odd that. But aaaaaaaaaaanyways, I'm quickly losing the drive for my career that I had. Part-time Supervisors that change once they become full fledged piss me off to no end. Motherfucker acted like he was my friend since I had been working on my watch. Now all of a sudden...
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