This maybe a drunken update but i think i've found my problem and where it lies. I don't know how i would really explain it and all without diving into my past and all. But i think i know now;yes i know i'm drunk; what it is thats wrong. It's my ability to wait for poeple. Funny i din't relize it till i told my friend that i'd wait on them to return. This friend is a good friend and all but i'm always waiting for them to come back. Maybe I should stop waiting and i won't feel so alone. I've waited so long for somethings to happen and they never happened. I know this all a drunken rage and all but it's the trueth. The people i wait on will never return to me. I've waited on a good friend who i loved all night one night. It doesn't matter what i think i guess. everything is gone and everything will never happen. What I feel and what i think aren't mint to happen. Happyness is something I will always see but never know for myself. When the ones u care about care more for other poeple, what are u left with.
All this is empting from my mind as a whole. I've come through this life with only one question in life. I've kept alot from everyone for their own benifets. It's time now that I leave, to leave everthing behind as i have in the past and the past before that. Good bye for i need more thinking to do and pondering on life and happyness and love most of all.
And I cried; "I will be your dark wings that shall bring you to your deaths."
All this is empting from my mind as a whole. I've come through this life with only one question in life. I've kept alot from everyone for their own benifets. It's time now that I leave, to leave everthing behind as i have in the past and the past before that. Good bye for i need more thinking to do and pondering on life and happyness and love most of all.
And I cried; "I will be your dark wings that shall bring you to your deaths."