well i'm off after my lovely 4 days off. it's nice being able to relax for a change in away. i'll begone for a about 2-3 weeks, i don't mostly cause i didn't really care in the first place how long it will be. well.... laters
pick up lines for the next 2 weeks
Q-" What has 142 teeth and can hold back the Incredible Hulk? "
A-" My zipper! "
Q-" Do u like math? "
A-" Lets go back to my place and add the bed, subtract the cloths, divide the legs, and multiply!! "
pick up lines for the next 2 weeks
Q-" What has 142 teeth and can hold back the Incredible Hulk? "
A-" My zipper! "
Q-" Do u like math? "
A-" Lets go back to my place and add the bed, subtract the cloths, divide the legs, and multiply!! "

'Cause I like to change it... ha ha.
Yup! That's the only reason! Hee hee.