Wednesday Jun 15, 2005 Jun 15, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email If you read about a 30 something lawyer with great hair who goes crazy with a sniper rifle in Chicago, tell the press things like "He seemed so normal" and "I never would have guessed he could do such a thing." VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS _sarah_: I'm sorry to hear that [regarding Detroit]. I have a TON of family around Detroit. It would be really funny if we found out we're related somehow. If you're ever this way on a business trip or whatnot, let me know. We'll do some non-family-reminding, only-Detroit-fun-type things. Jun 15, 2005 nerdboy2345: but then i would be lying... Jun 15, 2005
I have a TON of family around Detroit. It would be really funny if we found out we're related somehow.
If you're ever this way on a business trip or whatnot, let me know. We'll do some non-family-reminding, only-Detroit-fun-type things.