Well as some of you may not know, I use a wheelchair cuz I've had problems walking from birth. I actually have the disability Cerebral Palsy and it affects me in the way that I can't properly send the signal to my legs to walk like your average guy. That being said, Im not paralyzed or anything and yes EVERYTHING does work ...Nothing has every really slowed me down though. I'm on 5 sports teams (Track and Field, Basketball, Swimming, Horseback Riding and Weightlifting). The only thing is, after I had my last of 13 operations in my lifetime in 98, my walking got even worse, they had to break both my legs and turn the bones and this took a real toll on me. I now have to use the support of walls and things to help me get around. I hadn't even walked a whole lot, especially in the last 6 months cuz I wanted to avoid the pain, and well because I'm going to college full time, I didn't really have "time" to focus on other things. It's not so much the pain that stops me from doing it, in fact I like to see how much pain I can take...guess thats why I got my piercings and tattoos, I really like to see where my threshold is at and raise the bar..Its that I guess I've lacked motivation in that sense in the last little while. Recently, I met this beautiful girl named Vienna (off the net), and well in the last few days I've talked to her soo much on the phone and I really like her attitude about things. I've met many people on the net before in person, but she seems so different. This time Im going to be wary though, cuz I can't expect anything, she says shes ok with the fact that Im in a chair, but I've heard that before and well, lets just say it hasn't turned out to be the reaction quite as planned. So anyways, in the last few days of talking to her I've told her all I can about me...even that I am growing found of her and shes the shy type, so she admits to feeling the same but doesnt want to jump ahead of things before we meet. She told me that she wants to see me do well and that I should really get back into my walking to improve myself...so for the first time in 6 months, I'm walking again. Ya, call me crazy, but this girl is soo amazing she inspired me to get off my ass and do something about it. She's so caring and nice that she even wants me to call her every time I've gone out to walk just to tell her cuz it makes her proud. I honestly have to say I've never really come in contact with a person who gave a shit about my personal things, without even meeting me yet. Most women I meet are shallow or they just think I'm a nice piece of ass, but rarely do I meet a girl with some substance. Vienna and I have soo much in common, but I guess we'll really find out once we meet. And so...another day goes by, and I don't know where all of this between her and I is going but I hope for the best. I'm meeting her in person next week guys, so wish me luck