Right. It's been two months since my last update here. In all honesty, despite having many things I could talk about I really really cannot be bothered updating this. I've lost the compulsion to do it. Despite that, I will try and make the effort and let any interested parties have an update of my life to date:
New job joy: I have a sort of new job. It's what my employers call a secondment ( or, as I like to call it: a shitey excuse to keep you happy because they would never dream of promoting you or helping you up the career ladder because they are more interested in getting bums on seats than your actual happiness in the workplace! ). However, I am happy with this. I scored a good wage increase through it, though I did have to fight for this, despite being promised a figure. ( thanks to a certain lady for that. She knows who she is
It's only going to last until April but i'm hoping it will open up oppurtunities elsewhere so i can finally be rid of my current employers. Otherwise, it'll be back to job searching and not actually finding anything. Oh well.
Been a couple of meets since the start of October. So it's been good to see the old gang again, and meet a couple of new faces. Most notably mister Aesir. Who i have met before, but just not really chatted too
, not sure if that counts as a new face then. Probably not, and now i'm rambling. Short blog my arse.
Tattoos? Yes, I find myself doodling again and wondering what to get next and when I will get it. Its not a good sign.
Plus, its December, which means christmas is near, as you all know. So I will end this short update on a happy note:
I am very much looking forward to spending my first christmas with the most special person in my life. I've never had a christmas with anyone before so it makes it extra special that it's her I will be waking up to on Christmas morning!!
And thats that. Bye for now!
New job joy: I have a sort of new job. It's what my employers call a secondment ( or, as I like to call it: a shitey excuse to keep you happy because they would never dream of promoting you or helping you up the career ladder because they are more interested in getting bums on seats than your actual happiness in the workplace! ). However, I am happy with this. I scored a good wage increase through it, though I did have to fight for this, despite being promised a figure. ( thanks to a certain lady for that. She knows who she is

It's only going to last until April but i'm hoping it will open up oppurtunities elsewhere so i can finally be rid of my current employers. Otherwise, it'll be back to job searching and not actually finding anything. Oh well.
Been a couple of meets since the start of October. So it's been good to see the old gang again, and meet a couple of new faces. Most notably mister Aesir. Who i have met before, but just not really chatted too

Tattoos? Yes, I find myself doodling again and wondering what to get next and when I will get it. Its not a good sign.
Plus, its December, which means christmas is near, as you all know. So I will end this short update on a happy note:
I am very much looking forward to spending my first christmas with the most special person in my life. I've never had a christmas with anyone before so it makes it extra special that it's her I will be waking up to on Christmas morning!!

And thats that. Bye for now!

Hey man, I saw you post in the MW Group...what do you collect/used to collect?
Awesome. I've played/collected Space Marines since I was 9 years old. I, like yourself, only seem to paint now adays due to my mates dropping out the hobby. I love the Black Library novels too.