As opposed to the members FAQ some of you dudes have been doing i am going to post a blog of things i have realised since my last update. It won't catch on, but bare with me anyways:
Things i have realised:
1. My girlfriend's lasagne is the bestest ever!
( not really something i have realised in the last month, but i had it tonight and thought it worth mentioning!! )
2. Living with my girlfriend is great. I get to see her face every day and i love how it can just cheer me up to see her smile. At me or about something else, i don't care
3. I think i am beginning to hate Glasgow. There is not much to do at the weekends unless you want to go get pissed. Now, i'm a big fan of going to the cinema, but there is only so much you can see and i won't sit through a film i don't want to see just to get out of the house. But i'm starting to hate going to really crowded pubs where half the folk are wasted and just plain rude. Yes, i am getting old.
4. My addiction to gaming is getting less and less and less. Though that might change this month as there is a few games out i defo want!!
5. Friends can suck.
6. People you have known for a lot less time than other people can turn out to be better friends than people you have known for longer.
7. There are some people that i have met through this site that i would be very very happy to have as friends till the day i die and get fired into space.
8. I miss hanging out with said people.
9. Shopping late at night in 24 hours stores is the way to go. No annoying children or glasgow scum to piss me off!!
10. I don't know if i want to work in I.T anymore. Now, i'm not sure if this is because i see myself going nowhere unless i find a better company to work for or not but lately, i have been wondering what else i could possibly do that i would feel happy and satisfied with. Someone today suggested a Nerf Herder. But i am not Han Solo and Nerf's don't exist. Maybe im just being daft, especially when i think it could be a bit late to start a whole new career when i already have a foot in the I.T ladder.
11. I would love to write a book. Something i'm sure i am not alone in. It would be great. I constantly have ideas running through my head, but they are all geek like and i would be embarrased.
12. I wish i could draw better.
13. I wish i had or could afford a nicer car.
14. I wish i could be arsed keeping my current car clean.
15. I really don't mind doing the washing up or tidying the flat.
16. This picture makes me laugh:
Things i have realised:
1. My girlfriend's lasagne is the bestest ever!

2. Living with my girlfriend is great. I get to see her face every day and i love how it can just cheer me up to see her smile. At me or about something else, i don't care

3. I think i am beginning to hate Glasgow. There is not much to do at the weekends unless you want to go get pissed. Now, i'm a big fan of going to the cinema, but there is only so much you can see and i won't sit through a film i don't want to see just to get out of the house. But i'm starting to hate going to really crowded pubs where half the folk are wasted and just plain rude. Yes, i am getting old.
4. My addiction to gaming is getting less and less and less. Though that might change this month as there is a few games out i defo want!!

5. Friends can suck.
6. People you have known for a lot less time than other people can turn out to be better friends than people you have known for longer.
7. There are some people that i have met through this site that i would be very very happy to have as friends till the day i die and get fired into space.
8. I miss hanging out with said people.
9. Shopping late at night in 24 hours stores is the way to go. No annoying children or glasgow scum to piss me off!!
10. I don't know if i want to work in I.T anymore. Now, i'm not sure if this is because i see myself going nowhere unless i find a better company to work for or not but lately, i have been wondering what else i could possibly do that i would feel happy and satisfied with. Someone today suggested a Nerf Herder. But i am not Han Solo and Nerf's don't exist. Maybe im just being daft, especially when i think it could be a bit late to start a whole new career when i already have a foot in the I.T ladder.
11. I would love to write a book. Something i'm sure i am not alone in. It would be great. I constantly have ideas running through my head, but they are all geek like and i would be embarrased.
12. I wish i could draw better.
13. I wish i had or could afford a nicer car.
14. I wish i could be arsed keeping my current car clean.
15. I really don't mind doing the washing up or tidying the flat.
16. This picture makes me laugh:
17. Sometimes i suck at writing blogs.
18. I haven't drunk that much alcohol lately and i cant say that i am missing it all that much either.
19. Sometimes people that should know much much better let you down so badly, you just want to cut them out of your laugh but you can't
20. I am signing out now...byeeeeee!!
Anyhoo, happy 8 months anniversary gorgeous
Lots of love xxxx
Death machine and hotdogs