Ranting over for a while again. Figured that it would now be financially stupid of me to move again so i will put up with arseface the landlord for a while longer. As it turns out, a friend from my hometown has just gotten herself a job in glasgow, and the possibility of buying a flat with her has cropped up. I'm liking this idea, because a ) it would be my own place ( ish ), i wouldnt be paying money to some tax dodging swine, b ) i would be living with someone i actually like, and who i know will be at uni 3 days a week so i get some privacy and also a council tax discount and c ) we could afford a far better flat. It'll be a few months before that happens mind you, but all the same its a good idea.
My cars playing up again....damn thing keeps over heating...thought i had it fixed last week when i replaced some heating pipe or other but apparently not. Things run quite well considering its done 87,000 miles!! and my parents had it before me, but i have this idea of getting my own car. When i get paid at the end of the month i might start looking for something a bit smaller, but not that small
possibly something like a seat ibiza...used to have one..liked it alot.
Otherwise...all good, actually fairly happy at the moment. Having a laugh in work...had an appraisal and was told i was one of the best members of our desktop support team!! How nice....shame i am trying to change job.
Though...they will pay for me to do a microsoft course...which i should maybe hang around for....aaah i don't know.
Stay Well!!
My cars playing up again....damn thing keeps over heating...thought i had it fixed last week when i replaced some heating pipe or other but apparently not. Things run quite well considering its done 87,000 miles!! and my parents had it before me, but i have this idea of getting my own car. When i get paid at the end of the month i might start looking for something a bit smaller, but not that small

Otherwise...all good, actually fairly happy at the moment. Having a laugh in work...had an appraisal and was told i was one of the best members of our desktop support team!! How nice....shame i am trying to change job.

Stay Well!!
I was going to comment on this blog, but seems a bit out of date now!

I shovelled about 50 cms of snow this weekend! I'd rather be in Glasgow with an umbrella!