Whats been happening in the last month...hmmm.....
wisdom tooth hole has healed...feels funny, i can't stop probing my hole with my tongue......but its better than the nutrient goodness of the stitches and occasional blood.
Finally stopped paying off my last flats bills, so should actually have some cash to play with in July, which i am really looking forward too, especially for gig tickets as there are a good few big gigs coming up, not to mention the Fringe in Edinburgh.
Also, please remind me to kick my landlords arse into gear and get him to fix my washing machine before it leaks so much that it destroys the floor and aggrivates the folk below us further...i mean for fuck sake what must you do to get folk to do stuff these days!
Second tattoo is done. I would post a picture but i dont have one sitting here as i am updating this in work. I will post one later on. An hour and a half of pain and spasming hand and i think worth it.
Edit: and here we are:
wisdom tooth hole has healed...feels funny, i can't stop probing my hole with my tongue......but its better than the nutrient goodness of the stitches and occasional blood.
Finally stopped paying off my last flats bills, so should actually have some cash to play with in July, which i am really looking forward too, especially for gig tickets as there are a good few big gigs coming up, not to mention the Fringe in Edinburgh.
Also, please remind me to kick my landlords arse into gear and get him to fix my washing machine before it leaks so much that it destroys the floor and aggrivates the folk below us further...i mean for fuck sake what must you do to get folk to do stuff these days!
Second tattoo is done. I would post a picture but i dont have one sitting here as i am updating this in work. I will post one later on. An hour and a half of pain and spasming hand and i think worth it.
Edit: and here we are:

take it last night was good then! just that you mentioning more meets...