I was very disappointed with Kill Bill 2. It was, as advertised, the installment with all of the "story", which I thought would have been great since the reason for my indifference on the first installment was its very lack of story. I won't ruin anything for you, but I'll just say that the plot manages to be simple and convoluted at the same time. Only Quentin Tarantino.
The humorous parts were so ponderous and leaden it was like a Jay Leno monologue that bombs and instead of moving on he just keeps going to the well. "Oh my god, this is an abortion on wheels." "Who cares, just clap so we can all get out of here!"
All I will say for it is that the crowd at the Cinerama was actually there to see a movie and as such, was very well mannered. Now I know where to go if I want to see a movie with like-minded individuals, that is, people who don't treat the movie theater like their fucking living room!
I just got back from the John Waters "Shock Value" lecture. That man, if he wasn't before, is one of my idols now. I left that theater with a hundred and four filthy, rotten, demented ideas cluttering my dark and perverted little mind. He skewered some topical issues that walked the fine line between insightful and patently offensive. His bit on what sex is to Michael Jackson was probably the single most disgusting thing I've ever heard...I loved it!
One thing that really bothered me, though, and I've noticed this on Inside the Actor's Studio and shows of its ilk: Why is it that when Joe Whogivesashit gets a microphone and free reign to ask (fill in the blank) actor/director/producer/craft service guy any question he will always, always, always turn "I enjoy your movies. Who influenced you?" into a goddamn dissertation that takes four minutes to get through and drops more obscure references than Dennis Miller? I mean, what gives? Do you think the guy is going to be impressed with your boundless knowledge of tedium and armchair wisdom? A shit sandwich is still a shit sandwich no matter what you dress it up with, ya dig?

The humorous parts were so ponderous and leaden it was like a Jay Leno monologue that bombs and instead of moving on he just keeps going to the well. "Oh my god, this is an abortion on wheels." "Who cares, just clap so we can all get out of here!"
All I will say for it is that the crowd at the Cinerama was actually there to see a movie and as such, was very well mannered. Now I know where to go if I want to see a movie with like-minded individuals, that is, people who don't treat the movie theater like their fucking living room!
I just got back from the John Waters "Shock Value" lecture. That man, if he wasn't before, is one of my idols now. I left that theater with a hundred and four filthy, rotten, demented ideas cluttering my dark and perverted little mind. He skewered some topical issues that walked the fine line between insightful and patently offensive. His bit on what sex is to Michael Jackson was probably the single most disgusting thing I've ever heard...I loved it!
One thing that really bothered me, though, and I've noticed this on Inside the Actor's Studio and shows of its ilk: Why is it that when Joe Whogivesashit gets a microphone and free reign to ask (fill in the blank) actor/director/producer/craft service guy any question he will always, always, always turn "I enjoy your movies. Who influenced you?" into a goddamn dissertation that takes four minutes to get through and drops more obscure references than Dennis Miller? I mean, what gives? Do you think the guy is going to be impressed with your boundless knowledge of tedium and armchair wisdom? A shit sandwich is still a shit sandwich no matter what you dress it up with, ya dig?
Thanks for you comment on the set that I did for jenni rae!! glad you liked it

You went to "Shock Value" grrrrrr. I went to get my tickets Sunday morning because I was being a slacker. They weren't there anymore. He is the reason I act. He is one of my idols. He is so witty, charming, just amazing!