I watched what was unequivocally the creepiest act of sheer desperation when I went over to my friend's house the other night and watched him get hit on playing Final Fantasy online. What may be even worse was that he was baiting the lonely losers so that we could make fun of them. Okay I'll it admit it, it was fun. Now his I'm the 13 year old girl you had sex with in that chat room t-shirt seems all the more apropos.
Last weekend I got my socks knocked off when my favorite radio program on the best radio station in the universe played a song by the coolest cat ever, John "High School Caesar" Ashley. I didn't even know he was a fucking musician! I bopped on over to Amazon and snatched the last copy they had in stock.
I discovered last night that I have an aptitude for bar games, but I become I Am Sam when it comes to bar tricks. "Silly rabbit, tricks are for people who suck less than you do".
I also analogized my luck in regards to women. Women to me are like fire to a caveman: I'm alternately frightened and fascinated and every time I feel comfortable enough to get close I wind up getting burned.
See, even assholes such as myself sometimes exhibit feelings. Now, why don't you go outside and play hide-and-go-fuck-yourself.
Last weekend I got my socks knocked off when my favorite radio program on the best radio station in the universe played a song by the coolest cat ever, John "High School Caesar" Ashley. I didn't even know he was a fucking musician! I bopped on over to Amazon and snatched the last copy they had in stock.
I discovered last night that I have an aptitude for bar games, but I become I Am Sam when it comes to bar tricks. "Silly rabbit, tricks are for people who suck less than you do".
I also analogized my luck in regards to women. Women to me are like fire to a caveman: I'm alternately frightened and fascinated and every time I feel comfortable enough to get close I wind up getting burned.
See, even assholes such as myself sometimes exhibit feelings. Now, why don't you go outside and play hide-and-go-fuck-yourself.