I've gone and done it again! Read my latest review here
Post V-Day questions:
-What is the turnaround time for 86ing Valentine’s cards, or really any cards for that matter? My feeling on the matter is that what was novel yesterday is now clutter today, but I’ve been wrong before.
-It’s probably not an encouraging sign when you give a girl a candy heart that says Mary Me and she hands you one back that says Pen Pal, is it?
The Dita Von Teese show last Friday blew me away. I really didn't know quite what I was in for, so I went into it more or less a clean slate. I came out of it with two new favorite bands (The Briefs and The Spits), had El Vez call me a punk, developed a new crush (I am now smitten with one Miss Ivana Rose
) and a much deeper appreciation for burlesque. I understood what it was about before but I just wasn't all that into it. Sometimes it takes time for things to stick, I think. I am so stoked for next Friday now.
Life right now is like being stranded at sea without a guide wind. This is the best that things have been in weeks. I've come up with a few new ideas which I'm currently developing into script material, watched a few movies (which will be posted for review later), gotten over a Gummi Worm and Gatorade jag (don't ask) and added a few new individuals to my "People I Hate" list.
Oh, and I almost forgot an incident that happened a while back. Somebody at work called me doctor. Now, I've heard boss and chief used in the same context but never doctor. Looks like my secret is out and my addiction to punk porn is quickly making the rounds at the office. Oh well, fuck it.
Post V-Day questions:
-What is the turnaround time for 86ing Valentine’s cards, or really any cards for that matter? My feeling on the matter is that what was novel yesterday is now clutter today, but I’ve been wrong before.
-It’s probably not an encouraging sign when you give a girl a candy heart that says Mary Me and she hands you one back that says Pen Pal, is it?
The Dita Von Teese show last Friday blew me away. I really didn't know quite what I was in for, so I went into it more or less a clean slate. I came out of it with two new favorite bands (The Briefs and The Spits), had El Vez call me a punk, developed a new crush (I am now smitten with one Miss Ivana Rose

Life right now is like being stranded at sea without a guide wind. This is the best that things have been in weeks. I've come up with a few new ideas which I'm currently developing into script material, watched a few movies (which will be posted for review later), gotten over a Gummi Worm and Gatorade jag (don't ask) and added a few new individuals to my "People I Hate" list.
Oh, and I almost forgot an incident that happened a while back. Somebody at work called me doctor. Now, I've heard boss and chief used in the same context but never doctor. Looks like my secret is out and my addiction to punk porn is quickly making the rounds at the office. Oh well, fuck it.
Cue the locusts!