Well... let's put it this way. While Terminator Genysis was pretty much spoiled by the commercials. Does it make it any less of a fun movie? Yes and no. It's a mixed bag of emotions. I was horribly disappointed with the spoilers. Much of the movie was rehashed Terminator 2 and Terminator 1. There are no similarities to the characters outside Arnold who is old as fuck! But he still played it nicely. I never really liked Terminator 3, or Salvation. All I can say is comparing Genysis to those two... it's an improvement. Am I excited for the next two... not really. I am however cuious to see where they go.
Ant Man on the other hand was pretty entertaining. Very well done, and hilarious at times. I'm not a fan of Paul Rudd, but this would be my first movie that I enjoyed with him in it. The cast was excellent, Evangeline Lilly, *pants*. I was disapointed about what they did with Janet Van Dyne's character. But overall, it didn't ruin the movie. Unlike some die hard comic fans who blew a fuse over it. It's a good movie. Entertaining popcorn flick, with a lot of hilarious moments in it.