Just to let those who did know...uh..know
An arterial vascular malformation is caused when the arteries and veins come together to exchange blood and instead of being all nice and orderly they are all knotted and tangled. So they have a tendency to blow up, (kinda like an anyeurism). Anyhoo. I have one, oddly enough apparently, in my uterus. Where last Sunday, it decided to blow up and bleed like stink. And bleed and bleed and bleed some more.
So there I am standing in the emergency room with blood runnign down the insides of my legs and pooling at my socks.
The hospital staff assumed it was a miscarriage (which would have been news to me!!) and organized to send me for a d&c. A d&c is where they dialate the cervix and scrape out the remaining tissue. The resident gyn doctor made them wait for the pregnancy test (which they were not going to do). This was wise as the preg test came back negative. Not a miscarriage. An ultrasound discovered the AVM. If they had done the d&c they would have peeled open the rest of the AVM and caused me to bleed out even more.
Well as the abdomen ripping, star invoking, mind bending pain kicked it (due to the casualty officer mauling my poor uterus assuming it was a miscarriage) I was introduced to the wonderful world of MORPHINE.....mmmmmm
So luck be with me, the bleeding stopped on its own. So I didn't need the embolism they promised.
Embolism: They shoot me full of radioactive dye and an invasive radiologist goes from the artery in my thigh to the AVM in the wall of my uterus........
So they keet me for a night and then send me home the next day.
I'm scheduled for another ultrasound on Friday. If the AVM is still there, i have to have the embolism. But, there is a good chance that it has resolved itself in the weeks since. *crosses finger*
Anyhoo, aside from that. All is well. I'm kinda broke from missing all this work but, i'll live.
An arterial vascular malformation is caused when the arteries and veins come together to exchange blood and instead of being all nice and orderly they are all knotted and tangled. So they have a tendency to blow up, (kinda like an anyeurism). Anyhoo. I have one, oddly enough apparently, in my uterus. Where last Sunday, it decided to blow up and bleed like stink. And bleed and bleed and bleed some more.
So there I am standing in the emergency room with blood runnign down the insides of my legs and pooling at my socks.
The hospital staff assumed it was a miscarriage (which would have been news to me!!) and organized to send me for a d&c. A d&c is where they dialate the cervix and scrape out the remaining tissue. The resident gyn doctor made them wait for the pregnancy test (which they were not going to do). This was wise as the preg test came back negative. Not a miscarriage. An ultrasound discovered the AVM. If they had done the d&c they would have peeled open the rest of the AVM and caused me to bleed out even more.

Well as the abdomen ripping, star invoking, mind bending pain kicked it (due to the casualty officer mauling my poor uterus assuming it was a miscarriage) I was introduced to the wonderful world of MORPHINE.....mmmmmm

So luck be with me, the bleeding stopped on its own. So I didn't need the embolism they promised.
Embolism: They shoot me full of radioactive dye and an invasive radiologist goes from the artery in my thigh to the AVM in the wall of my uterus........

So they keet me for a night and then send me home the next day.
I'm scheduled for another ultrasound on Friday. If the AVM is still there, i have to have the embolism. But, there is a good chance that it has resolved itself in the weeks since. *crosses finger*
Anyhoo, aside from that. All is well. I'm kinda broke from missing all this work but, i'll live.

Glad to see you're fine! And even if you do have to have the embolism... well I've never had one but I've been pumped full of radioavtive dye for a bone scan once and I thought it was great, the whole day I went around telling people I could cook a chicken in my belly button!!
But once again, Glad you're allright!