*fog machine hisses filling stage with smoke*
*crazy lights*
*drum roll*
I'm back! And all better!!

In an hour I'm getting all purdy like and going out to the metal night in Van. I haven't been out in weeks!!! Good thing, I was starting to go COMPLETELY insane. (I cover my own ass and say completely....)
And my pictures will be ready next saturday and I've got a sugar daddy that's going to pay for my nipple piercings. *happy dance*
And I'm so hyper.
Cause I don't feel nauseous today!
And I've got my best friends b-day this weekend and another party next weekend in which the birthday boy is looking for someone willing to be tid down to the dining room table and used as the dessert tray...... Which reminds me, i've got to pick up that dressage whip for his b-day present.
Did I mention I'm hyper?
*bounceybouncey* SO you have to read this really fast in you head without breathing between sentences and then you'll know what it's like to talk to me.... At least when I'm hyper........

Goin now