MisterSatan!!! You are soooo dead. You gave me your cold! And since nobody else I know is sick.....I'm forced to blame you. Somehow, I got cooties thru the computer.
I'm the worst sick person. *sniffle*
And now I'm stuck at home all day. With daytime television.
Maybe I'll watch Twin Falls Idaho. I got it the other day and haven't watched it yet.
I had a dream the other night. I was at my mom's house. It was a brilliant summer day and she was hosting a funeral reception for a girl about my age. I don't remember if she had a name but I do remember that she had hung herself in her room. And people were arriving at this reception. People that would claim to be ever=so good friends of hers.And then they would talk about her. What a tragedy!, What a waste! Whoever would have seen this coming? And I was angry. I knew these people weren't her friends. They were hypocrites, phonies. People who were sweet to her face and called her names when she wasn't around. Freak. I could see it when I looked at them. In flashes. But they couldn't see me. My family could. My mother, my aunts were there. But these people who had passed judgement on her didn't seem to realize I was there. I just wandered thru the reception unnoticed. Flashes of the girl's last day would come to me. I would see her pacing her bedroom. Putting her brown hair in an elastic. Wringing her hands. Crying. Tying the knots in the rope. Standing on the chair. She didn't leave a note.
At one point I stood behind this porcine girl with greasy flat hair as she claimed to be one of the deadgirl's best friends. I saw flashes of her poisoning people against the deadgirl, telling them she was a freak, that there was something wrong with her. I shouted at her, called her a liar. Told her she couldn't judge someone she didn't know. I called her a hypocrite, selfish, a vulture.
My boy woke me up then because I'd started to cry. I don't cry much. And I cried harder when I woke up. For quite some time. I felt raw for the remainder of the day. Like a layer of skin had been pealed off. Like I'd been pummeled from the inside. And I can still remember the dream, crystal clear.
I'm the worst sick person. *sniffle*
And now I'm stuck at home all day. With daytime television.

Maybe I'll watch Twin Falls Idaho. I got it the other day and haven't watched it yet.
I had a dream the other night. I was at my mom's house. It was a brilliant summer day and she was hosting a funeral reception for a girl about my age. I don't remember if she had a name but I do remember that she had hung herself in her room. And people were arriving at this reception. People that would claim to be ever=so good friends of hers.And then they would talk about her. What a tragedy!, What a waste! Whoever would have seen this coming? And I was angry. I knew these people weren't her friends. They were hypocrites, phonies. People who were sweet to her face and called her names when she wasn't around. Freak. I could see it when I looked at them. In flashes. But they couldn't see me. My family could. My mother, my aunts were there. But these people who had passed judgement on her didn't seem to realize I was there. I just wandered thru the reception unnoticed. Flashes of the girl's last day would come to me. I would see her pacing her bedroom. Putting her brown hair in an elastic. Wringing her hands. Crying. Tying the knots in the rope. Standing on the chair. She didn't leave a note.
At one point I stood behind this porcine girl with greasy flat hair as she claimed to be one of the deadgirl's best friends. I saw flashes of her poisoning people against the deadgirl, telling them she was a freak, that there was something wrong with her. I shouted at her, called her a liar. Told her she couldn't judge someone she didn't know. I called her a hypocrite, selfish, a vulture.
My boy woke me up then because I'd started to cry. I don't cry much. And I cried harder when I woke up. For quite some time. I felt raw for the remainder of the day. Like a layer of skin had been pealed off. Like I'd been pummeled from the inside. And I can still remember the dream, crystal clear.
Sleep, I'd gladly trade you some of mine. I seem to be getting too much at the moment, if thats even possible.