So I have two announcements. I got both nipples pierced this past weekend. Also I told my parents I was bisexual. Big week. Pain and pain (spiritually) gone. They were awesome and said they loved me matter what. Those are the kind of parents anyone should have.
Reading something like this always makes me feel better. I'm so glad that they've accepted it, just as any and all parents should. smile
Thank you for your nice words. Now I can't believe it took me so long to tell them. I feel so much more confident now. Thanks again.
I hope everybody had a great Valentine's Day. Hope you are in as much love today as you were yesterday even though the bloodsucking lawyers say the days after Valentine's day are the biggest divorce filing days. I guess some people don't get what they want.
wtf Where are the girls? I love women too guys. I know we suck most of the time but we are still awesome. So why do more of you women not talk to the rest of us? Break out of your shell and let's get to know each other. It is like we are afraid to be us. Fuck that. We are women and everyone...
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I am not a smoker but in Virginia they just passed a new law that a person cannot smoke in their car if someone under the age of 15 is in the car. So if you are driving through VA in the rain pull over to the side of the road, put the kids out, enjoy your cigarette in the car. Then when you are...
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Thanks and I am enjoying the evening, finally just relaxing with loved ones. Tomorrow night however it is a full rage with the guys and gals (husband too of course) at the fraternity house. Thanks to you both for letting me know there are still gentlemen in the world.
Hey. Happy birthday! smile
So tomorrow is my birthday, can't wait. Tried talking to my older sis tonight who claims she was sleeping so I had to call her old and ask why she was in bed before 9. No response.blush
My name is actually pronounced icy if wondering. Glad to be here.wink
Welcome here honey kiss
LOL, I actually Googled "Farmville" to see if it was a real place? Population 8,216...SALUTE!! Looks like a picturesque, wonderful place to live!!