Well yesterday I decide to not work from lunch time on. It's Friday, or was...... But I went over to my friends house and we started drinking around noon or maybe a little earlier
. I thought of taking my camera just for the heck of it but then decided against because I would be drinking for awhille.

After a few hours a decent size Hawk lands 20yards away from us in a tree!!! And he also had lunch in it's mouth!! I have been kicking my ass all day for not bringing it! Oh well next time I hope. While he was eating his lunch, he was also being attacked by a couple blue jays.......one of them blue jays hit the hawk in the head while dive bombing him.
It was cool though, felt like I was in an episode on NG!
Im sure it does but right now it sucks and Ive been trying to keep myself busy but it doesnt happen haha